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UNIcert® is a certificate that is recognised by numerous universities in Germany (and in some cases also abroad) as proof of your language abilities. You may use it when applying for a Master's programme.

The UNIcert®-exam

1) What is UNIcert®?Hide

UNIcert® is the foreign language certificate for higher education, a certification system specifically for foreign language education at universities. The UNIcert® system comprises 5 levels of competence, which are based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

2) What advantages do I have with a UNIcert® certificate?Hide
  • UNIcert® is a certificate that can be compared across universities and is recognised by numerous universities in Germany (and in some cases also abroad) as proof of your language competence. It may be used when applying for a Master's programme.
  • Many employers may also accept the certificate as it transparently presents the skills acquired and describes the language level achieved in the foreign language (German, English or others).
3) Can I take the UNIcert® exam free of charge?Hide

Yes, you can.

4) Which UNIcert® exams can I take at the UBT Language Centre?Hide
  • UNIcert®-Basis: currently only in Chinese
    UNIcert®-I: currently only in Chinese
    UNIcert®-II: currently in Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French and Italian
    UNIcert®-III: currently in English, Spanish, French and Italian.
    UNIcert®-IV: currently only in English.​

UNIcert®-Registration and examination

5) How, when and where do I register for the exam?Hide
  • You do not need to register separately for the UNICert® Basis, I and II examinations.
  • For the UNICert® III and IV examinations you have to register via CMlife. The registration period is set by the Examinations Office: https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/pruefungsamt-unicert
  • Registration for the UNIcert III and IV exams SoSe 2024 is now open and will close at midnight on 27 May. Enter UNIcert as a search term in CMlife.  
6) What are the requirements for a successful UNIcert® exam registration?Hide

To be eligible to take a UNIcert® exam, you must complete a certain sequence of courses. You can find more information depending on the exam below.

7) What is the difference between the end-of-course exam and the UNIcert® exam?Hide
  • The UNIcert® Basis (basic level) examination in Chinese is the end-of-course exam in Grundkurs (basic course) 3. There is no separate UNIcert® Basis exam. 
  • The UNIcert® I examination in Chinese is the end-of-course in the Festigungskurs (consolidation course). There is no separate UNIcert® I exam.
  • The UNIcert® II exam in French, Italian, Russian and Spanish is the end-of-course exam in Grundkurs (basic course) 4. There is no separate UNIcert® II exam. The UNIcert® II exam in Chinese is the final exam at the end of the third and final Spezialisierungskurs (specialistion course) - there is no separate UNIcert® II exam
  • At the higher UNIcert® levels (III and IV), a separate UNIcert® examination is taken in the languages English,  French, Italian and Spanish. Consequently, passing a final course exam is not sufficient to obtain a UNIcert® certificate.
8) When and where do the UNIcert® exams take place?Hide
  • The UNIcert® Basis (basic level) examination in Chinese is the final examination in the Grundkurs (basic course) 3.  The exam usually takes place in the last week of the semester and can only be taken after attending the course.
  • The UNIcert® I examination in Chinese is the final examination in the 'Festigungskurs' (consolidation course). The exam generally takes place in the last week of class and can only be taken after attending the course.
  • The UNIcert® II examination is the final examination in the Grundkurs (basic course) 4 in French/Spanish/It/Russian; in Chinese it is the exam at the end of the third and final Spezialisierungskurs (specialisation course). These exams generally take place in the last week of term and can only be taken after attending the respective course.
  • The separate UNIcert® III and IV examinations always take place in the week following the end of lectures. The written exam takes place on the first Monday after the end of term, followed by the listening comprehension on the Tuesday, and the oral exam on the Friday of that week. You have to register for the UNIcert® III and IV exam via CMlife. The registration period is set by the Examinations Office: https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/pruefungsamt-unicert
9) What parts does the UNIcert® examination consist of?Hide

It comprises four parts in three exams: written (reading and writing), listening and oral.

10) Can I repeat the UNIcert® examination?Hide
  • You cannot repeat a UNIcert® examination if you have passed all parts successfully.
  • If you fail one or more parts of the UNIcert® examination or miss one or more parts due to illness (medical certificate!), you can retake these at the end of the following semester.
11) Where and when do I get my certificate?Hide
  • Certificates for UNIcert®-Basis and UNIcert®-I (both Chinese only) as well as the UNIcert®-II certificates must be applied for at the Language Centre using this form and collected there (GW I 0.04). Upon request, certificates can also be sent by post.
  • The UNIcert®-III or IV certificate will be issued by the UNIcert® Examination Office after you have passed all parts of the exam: https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/pruefungsamt-unicert.

Our UNIcert®-exams


​UNIcert®-II – 2 courses - 8 SWS (No separate UNIcert® examination)Hide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must attend Basic course 3 (4 SWS) and Basic course 4 (4 SWS) in that order. The final course exam of Basic course 4 is the UNIcert®-II exam.
  • How often are the courses offered? Both courses are offered every semester.
​UNIcert®-III (Allgemein/General) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation course (Aufbau) (2 SWS)  and then complete three Specialisation courses (Spezialisierung) (2 SWS each). At least two of these specialisation courses must be General Academic courses (Allgemein). The Specialisation courses (Spezialisierung) can be taken in any order.
  • How often are the courses offered? Not all courses are offered every semester, therefore the Specialisation courses   can be taken in any order. Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment.
​UNIcert®-III (Wirtschaft/Business) – 4 courses– 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation course (Aufbau) (2 SWS) and then complete three Specialisation courses (2 SWS each). At least two of the Specialisation courses must be Business Specialisation courses. The Specialisation courses can be taken in any order.
  • How often are the courses offered? Not all courses are offered every semester, therefore the Specialisation courses can be taken in any order. Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment.


​UNIcert®-III (Allgemein/General) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide

 Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation (Aufbaukurs Allgemen AKA) course (2 SWS) and then complete three Specialisation (Spezialisierung) courses (2 SWS each). At least two of these Specialisation courses must be General Academic (Allgemein) courses. The Specialisation 1 SA1 course must be taken before the Specialisation 2 SA2 course(s). It is possible to take a SF1W Specialistion 1 Wirtschaft/Business course instead of a second SA2 course. 

  • Course progression (in three/four semesters): AKA => SA1 => SA2 + SA2                                                                OR => AKA => SA1 = > SA2 + SF1W (Spezialisierung 1 Wirtschaft/Business)
  • How often are the courses offered? All courses are offered every semester.
​UNIcert®-III (Wirtschaft/Business) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide

 Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation (Aufbaukurs Wirtschaft AKW) course (2 SWS) and then complete three Specialisation (Spezialisierung) courses (2 SWS each). At least two of these Specialisation courses must be Business (Wirtschaft) courses. The Specialisation 1 course (SF1W) must be taken before the Specialisation 2 courses. Note that you may only take ONE SF1W course.

  • Course progression (in three/four semesters): AKW => SF1W => SF2W + SF2W                                                      OR AKW => SF1W => SF2W + SA2 (Spezialisierung 2 Allgemein/General Academic)
  • How often are the courses offered? All courses are offered every semester.
  • If you have completed Business English 2 you do not need to take the Foundation (Aufbaukurs Wirtschaft AKW) course. 
​UNIcert®-III (Jura/Law) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation course (Aufbaukurs Jura) (2 SWS) and then three Specialisation (Spezialisierung) courses (2 SWS each). Two of the Specialisation courses must be English for Lawyers courses. The English for Lawyers I course must be completed before the English for Lawyers II course.
  • Course progression (in three/four semesters): AKJ => SF1J (Lawyers I) => SF2J (Lawyers II) + SF2J (Moot Court) OR AKJ => SF1J (Lawyers I) => SF2J (Lawyers II) + SF1W (Spezialisierung 1 Wirtschaft/Business)                             OR AKJ => SF1J (Lawyers I) => SF2J (Lawyers II) + SA2 (Spezialisierung 2 Allgemein/General Academic)    
  • How often are the courses offered? All courses are offered every semester.
  • English for Lawyers I + II meet the requirements for JAPO §24 Fremdsprachenausbildung; AKJ, SF2J (Moot Court) SF1W and SA2 count towards JAPO §37 Freiversuch.      
​UNIcert®-IV (Allgemein/General) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? 
    One SA3 (Specialiation 3/Academic Writing II) + one LK (Landeskunde/Culture & Society) course + one SF3W (Specialistion 3 Wirtschaft/Business) course + one advanced course from the Anglophone Studies programme (e.g. Translation German - English). Please apply to Mary Redmond for permission to join an Anglophone Studies course - you will not be able to register for this course yourself.
  • There is no course progression, i.e. the courses can be taken in any order. It is possible but not advisable to take all four courses in the same semester.         
​UNIcert®-IV (Wirtschaft/Business) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must complete four SF3W (Specialisation 3 Wirtschaft/Business) courses OR three SF3W (Specialisation 3 Wirtschaft/Business) courses + one LK (Landeskunde/Culture & Society) course OR two SF3W (Specialisation 3 Wirtschaft/Business) courses + one LK (Landeskunde/Culture & Society) course + one advanced course from the Anglophone Studies programme (e.g. Translation German - English). Please apply to Mary Redmond for permission to join an Anglophone Studies course - you will not be able to register for this course yourself.
  • There is no course progression, i.e. the courses can be taken in any order. It is possible but not advisable to take all four courses in the same semester. Note, however, that two SF3W courses are offered in the winter semester and two in the summer semester.   
​UNIcert®-IV (Jura/Law) – 3-4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must complete three SF3J (Specialisation 3 Jura/Law) courses including English for Lawyers 6 (Advanced Mooting: 2 SWS class + 2 SWS preparation = 4 SWS) OR three (Specialisation 3 Jura/Law) courses not including English for Lawyers 6 + one LK (Landeskunde/Culture & Society) course OR two (Specialisation 3 Jura/Law) courses not including English for Lawyers 6 + two SF3W (Specialisation 3 Wirtschaft/Business) courses OR English for Lawyers 6 + two SF3W (Specialisation 3 Wirtschaft/Business) courses
  • There is no course progression, i.e. the courses can be taken in any order. It is possible but not advisable to take all courses in the same semester.
  • All courses count towards JAPO §37 Freiversuch.


​UNIcert®-II – 2 courses - 8 SWS (No separate UNIcert® examination)Hide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must attend Basic course 3 (4 SWS) and Basic course 4 (4 SWS) in that order. The final course exam of Basic course 4 is the UNIcert®-II exam.
  • How often are the courses offered? Both courses are offered every semester.
​UNIcert®-III (Allgemein/General) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation course (Aufbau) (2 SWS)  and then complete three Specialisation courses (Spezialisierung) (2 SWS each). At least two of these specialisation courses must be General Academic courses (Allgemein). The Specialisation courses (Spezialisierung) can be taken in any order.
  • How often are the courses offered? Not all courses are offered every semester, therefore the Specialisation courses can be taken in any order. Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment.
​UNIcert®-III (Wirtschaft/Business) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation course (Aufbau) (2 SWS) and then complete three Specialisation courses (2 SWS each). At least two of the Specialisation courses must be Business Specialisation courses. The Specialisation courses can be taken in any order. 
  • How often are the courses offered? Not all courses are offered every semester, therefore the Specialisation courses can be taken in any order. Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment.
​UNIcert®-III (Jura/Law) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation course (Aufbau)  (2 SWS) and then complete three Specialisation courses (Spezialisierung) (2 SWS each). At least two of these Specialisation courses must be French for Law specialisation courses. The Specialisation courses can be taken in any order.
  • How often are the courses offered? Not all courses are offered every semester, therefore the Specialisation courses can be taken in any order. Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment.


​UNIcert®-II – 2 courses - 8 SWS (No separate UNIcert® examination)Hide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must attend Basic course 3 (4 SWS) and Basic course 4 (4 SWS) in that order. The final course exam of Basic course 4 is the UNIcert®-II exam.
  • How often are the courses offered? Both courses are offered every semester.
​UNIcert®-III (Allgemein/General) – 4 courses – 8 SWSHide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must first attend the Foundation course (Aufbau) (2 SWS)  and then complete three Specialisation courses (Spezialisierung) (2 SWS each). The Specialisation courses (Spezialisierung) can be taken in any order.
  • How often are the courses offered? Not all courses are offered every semester; therefore the Specialisation courses can be taken in any order. Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment.


​UNIcert®-Basis – 3 courses - 12 SWS (No separate UNIcert® examination)Hide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must attend the Basic courses 1 - 3 (4 SWS each) in this order. The final course exam of Basic course 3 is the UNIcert®-Basis exam.
  • How often are the courses offered? The Basic courses 1 - 4 are offered using the zipper method: In the winter semester Basic courses 1 & 3, in summer semester Basic courses 2 & 4Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment.
​UNIcert®-I – 2 courses - 8 SWS (No separate UNIcert® examination)Hide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must attend the Basic course 4 (4 SWS) and the Consolidation course (Festigungskurs) (4 SWS) in this order. The final examination of the Consolidation course is the UNIcert® I examination.
  • How often are the courses offered? The Basic course 4 is offered in the summer semester, the Consolidation course in the winter semester. Courses may be cancelled due to insufficient enrolment.
​UNIcert®-II – 3 courses - 12 SWS (No separate UNIcert® examination)Hide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must attend the three Specialisation courses (SA1 - SA3) (4 SWS each). These Specialisation courses can be attended in any order. The final course examination of the third Specialisation course is the UNIcert® II examination.
  • How often are the courses offered? Not all courses are offered every semester, therefore the Specialisation courses can be taken in any order.


​UNIcert®-II – 2 courses - 8 SWS (No separate UNIcert® examination)Hide
  • Which courses do I have to complete successfully? You must attend Basic course 3 (4 SWS) and Basic course 4 (4 SWS) in that order. The final course exam of Basic course 4 is the UNIcert®-II exam.
  • How often are the courses offered? These courses are offered using the zipper method: during the winter semester Basic course 3 is offered, and in the summer semester Basic course 4 is offered.
Bild Schuberth

Any other questions?

If, after carefully reading the above information, you have any further questions, please contact us. Please remember to include your matriculation number and degree program.

Contact: sprachenzentrum@uni-bayreuth.de

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