Zertifikatsprüfungen / Certificate exam
As we are unfortunately unable to offer UNIcert® examinations in all languages offered by the Language Centre due to staff shortages, students have the opportunity to obtain an alternative official certificate in the non-UNIcert® languages. The exam specially created for this purpose is called the "certificate exam".
The "Zertifikatsprüfung"- Registration and examination
- 1) In which languages can I apply for the certificate?Hide
In the following languages:
- Level A2.2: Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Polish
- Level B1: Turkish
- Level B2: Portuguese, Swedish
- 2) How, when and where do I register for the exam?Hide
No separate examination is required to obtain the certificate, as it is issued automatically after passing Basic course 4.
- 3) Which requirements do I have to fulfil to obtain the certificate?Hide
- For A2.2. CEFR in Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Polish the following applies: after passing Basic course 4 the certificate can be applied for, provided you have taken at least 2 of the 4 basic courses at the Language Centre.
- For B1 CEFR and B2 CEFR in Turkish, Portuguese and Swedish: the certificate can be applied for after passing Basic course 4, provided you have taken at least 2 of the 4 Basic courses at the Language Centre.
- 4) When and how can I apply for the certificate?Hide
The certificate can be applied for at the Secretary’s Office (GW I, 0.04) 3 weeks after the end of lectures at the earliest.
- 5) Is the certificate free of charge?Hide
Yes, it is.
- 6) Where and when do I get my certificate?Hide
The certificates must be applied for at the Secretary’s Office (GW I, 0.04) and collected there. Upon request, they can also be sent by post.
![Bild Seegers-Träg](../../../pool/bilder/Seegers-Traeg_rund6.png)
Any other questions?
If, after carefully reading the above information, you have any further questions, please contact us. Please remember to include your matriculation number and degree program.