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Language courses for UBT staff and external students ('Gaststudierende')

UBT staff and external students are welcome to take language courses with us. You will find the most important information and registration deadlines below.


Information on the courses offered

1) Where can I find the courses offered by the Language Centre?Hide

You will find the entire programme offered by the Language Centre here.

2) Which language courses can I apply to take as a guest student?Hide

You can apply for admission to almost all our language courses. Admission cannot be granted in the case of  Anglistik (English & American Studies), Legal English, and Business English 1+2 courses. 

3) I already have some knowledge of the language: Can I/do I have to take part in a placement?Hide

We recommend taking a placement test if you have received previous instruction in the language in question. You will find further information about our placement tests here.

4) Am I automatically entitled to a place on a course?Hide

We can only approve guest student applications if there are sufficient places available in the respective course. Regular students are given priority.

5) Are the language courses free of charge for me?Hide

UBT staff can attend our language courses for free. For external students, the fees are €100 for 2-4 SWS, €200 for 5-8 SWS and €300 for more than 8 SWS.

Course registration

To register for courses, you must first apply at the Student Administration Office (Studierendenkanzlei) and then submit your documents to us at the Language Centre.

6) Where can I get the guest student form?Hide

The guest student application form is only available at the Student Administration Office: ZUV Building, 1st floor. Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-11:00

Fortunately, members of staff can download the form: https://www.studierendenkanzlei.uni-bayreuth.de/pool/dokumente/Gaststudierendenantrag_Mitarbeiter.pdf

7) What documents do I need in order to complete my application?Hide

The Student Office requires the following documents:

UBT Staff

  • Confirmation of approval by your supervisor

External students:

  • Proof of payment of the course fee
  • Photo (if you are applying for a student card)
  • Copy of your passport/identity card
  • Certificate of higher education entrance qualification (e.g. school leaving examination/Abitur). Please submit an  original or officially certified copy.
8) When and how do I register for the language course(s) I wish to attend?Hide

The Language Centre will take care of registration as soon as you have provided us with your matriculation number. Please come to the Secretary's Office (Sekretariat) during opening hours (GW I, 0.04; Monday-Friday 9:00-11:00) or inform us by e-mail. You will not be able to register for the course of your choice yourself.

9) Is there a deadline for registration as a guest student?Hide

Guest student applications should be submitted before the end of the first week of the semester. No guest student applications will be accepted after the end of the second week of the semester.

10) When can I start attending the course?Hide

As soon as you have registered as a guest student at the Student Administration Office AND have received an email from the Language Centre confirming that your application has been approved.​

Course requirements and final exam

11) Does the compulsory attendance regulation also apply to me?Hide

Yes, in the interest of fairness, our attendance policy applies to ALL course participants.

12) May I take part in the examination?Hide

If you have fulfilled the course & attendance requirements, you may take the final exam. If you pass, you will receive a language certificate (on request at the Secretary's Office (Sekretariat) GW I, 0.04).

13) Is my guest student application automatically extended for another semester?Hide

No, you must submit a new application each semester.

14) Can I repeat a course as a guest student?Hide

Unlike regular students, higher level courses can be attended more than once by guest students, provided there are sufficient places available. This is because guest students do not earn credit points for completing a course.

15) Are there courses that are particularly suitable for staff?Hide

Yes, English for the Workplace - Foundation (Level B1+/B2), English for the Workplace - Advanced (Level B2+) and Everyone's Business (Level B2+). International Communication in English Foundation (Level B1+/B2) and International Communication in English Advanced (Level B2+) are also open to staff.

No placement test is required for admission to these courses.

16) Why do I have to submit my guest student application at the Student Administration Office?Hide

The Student Administration Office checks your eligibility for admission to third level/higher education. You cannot register for language courses without this qualification. Please also see: https://www.studierendenkanzlei.uni-bayreuth.de/en/prospective-students/guest-early-studies/index.html

Bild Seegers-Träg

Any other questions?

If, after carefully reading the above information, you still have questions, we would be happy to receive your query. Don't forget to include your matriculation number and degree programme.

Contact: sprachenzentrum@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Redaktion Sprachenzentrum

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